Clinical Curriculum
48 Units 960 Hours
Department of Clinical Practice 48 units / 960 hrs
After completing 69 quarter units of specific didactic course requirements as defined in the Clinic Entrance Exam Application form, students may register for Level I after successfully passing this exam. Students must also have a Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and First Aid certificate among other requirements before registering for the clinic.
Clinic Level I: Clinic Orientation & Preparation
2 units / 40 hrs
An orientation to the acupuncture clinic for entering interns. All aspects of clinic procedures including professional dress code, equipment safety code, patient practitioner relationship, proper medical charting format, traditional Chinese medical therapies, clean needle technique protocol and prevention of infection from bloodborne pathogens are presented. Students will practice and role play intake of patient proper handling of equipments and treatment of patients. During this 40-clinical hours, students will directly observe exclusive treatment from clinic supervisor including their intake, exam, diagnosis and treatment. Students will then discuss the case with the supervisor.
Passing grade on Clinic Internship Entrance exam and current C.P.R.card.
BS110, BS120, BS130, BS221 – 224, OM111 – 112, OM201 – 203, AC100, AC111 – 112, AC201 – 202, HB110, At least 2 of HB121 – 124, WM100, WM310
Clinic Level I: Herbal Dispensary 2 units / 40 hrs
Supervised training in the herbal pharmacy where interns prepare herbal prescriptions for patients. Various forms of herbal medication including raw herb decoction, capsule/pill formulations as well as powder extracts are used and interns will learn to select, weigh, and compounding herbal prescriptions.
Passing Clinic Internship Entrance exam , current C.P.R.card and CNT Certificate.
BS110, BS120, BS130, BS221 – 224, OM111 – 112, OM201 – 203, AC100, AC111 – 112, AC201 – 202, HB110, At least 2 of HB121 – 124, WM100, WM310
Clinic Level I: Clinic Observation 6 units / 120 hrs
Interns at this level are assistants who observe treatment procedures, discuss reasoning and begin to formulate their own opinions, in writing, assistants describe and evaluate treatment rationales and do a medical literature search. First Level Interns are expected to assist upper level interns chart acupuncture points, perform moxibustion, cupping, massage and all non-invasive therapies within the scope of practice. In this 120-clinical hours, students should spend 20-hours to observe exclusive treatment from clinic supervisor including their intake, exam, diagnosis and treatment. Students will then discuss the case with the supervisor.
Passing Clinic Internship Entrance exam , current C.P.R.card and CNT Certificate.
BS110, BS120, BS130, BS221 – 224, OM111 – 112, OM201 – 203, AC100, AC111 – 112, AC201 – 202, HB110, At least 2 of HB121 – 124, WM100, WM310
Clinic Level II: Supervised Assisted Practice
16 units / 320 hrs
After completing Level I Observation and successfully passing of the Level I exit examination, students may register for the Clinic Level II Assisted Practice. The clinical Level II training consists of 320 hours and includes a minimum of 350 patient treatments during Levels II & III:
Level II Interns are expected to practice acupuncture and Chinese Herbology, along with other healing therapies within the scope of the acupuncture license. The internship is done under close guidance and supervision. Students are regularly evaluated as to their abilities to treat patients. Toward the end of this level, emphasis is shifted toward the intern’s defense of their independently derived treatment decisions.
Passing grade on Clinic Internship Level I Exit exam and a current C.P.R.card
HB121 – 124, AC321 – 322, at least one of HB201 – 204,
at least one of BS311 – 313, WM320, WM330
Clinic Level III: Guided Practice 22 units / 440 hrs
After completing Level II Assisted Practice and successfully passing of the Level II exit examination, students may register for the Clinic Level III Solo Practice. The clinical Level III training consists of 440 hours and includes a minimum of 350 patient treatments during Levels II & III:
This is the last level of internship before graduation where Senior interns demonstrate a thorough understanding of clinical diagnosis and treatment skills and are expected to perform “solo practice” and assume primary responsibility for treating patients. Interns at this level have less supervision of their activities but must obtain the supervisor’s approval of all treatment decisions. By the end of this course, an intern must have performed at least 350 treatments in order to graduate.
Furthermore, all clinic level III interns are required to pass the Level III exit examination before being able to continue the last 80 hours of CL311 clinic level III internship.
Passing grade on Clinic Internship Level II Exit exam and a current C.P.R.card
BS311-313, OM301-304, AC401-402, HB201-204, at least 1 HB401-440,
at least 1 WM401-404