Doctor in Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine (DAHM)
Our accredited Doctorate program provides a rigorous advance training consisting of 294 units or 3480 hours and may be completed in four years.
The program integrates the traditional classical Chinese Medicine with that of the conventional Western medicine.
This knowledge will build your confidence when consulting with other healthcare practitioners and open doors to collaborations in providing comprehensive care for your patients.
The training also provides professional skills to expand your practice.
The DAHM program is currently offered in two languages: English and Mandarin Chinese.
The One-Year Completion Track consists of 30 units or 360 hours that enables Master’s graduates (ACAHM accredited schools) to earn their doctoral degree within four quarters.
The completion track emphasizes on integration and “Best Practice,” which focuses on integrating the medical needs of the patients.
Acquiring a deeper understanding of modern medicine will allow easy collaboration with
multiple disciplinary practitioners.
Doctoral Completion and Master’s Program Relationship
This professional doctorate a graduate program leading to a doctoral degree and commonly focus on skills and knowledge necessary for professional practice and as often required for licensure. This professional doctorate provides additional knowledge and skills beyond the masters requirements for certification and licensure to practice acupuncture and Herbal medicine.
This Professional Doctorate program has a track that enable master’s graduates to achieve doctorate competencies and earn the Professional Doctorate degree. The professional doctorate completion track for graduates of an ACAHM accredited/pre-accredited master’s program is a component of the overall professional doctorate, not a separate distinct program.
All students, including Master’s graduates enrolling in a Professional Doctorate program, must meet the admissions requirements in effect at the time of their official matriculation.
There are three routes for completion of a Professional Doctorate program:
Enroll in professional doctorate program as a new student
This institution offers a dual-degree Master’s and Professional Doctorate option, upon completing your admission requirements for both Master’s and Doctorate programs, you enroll in both programs in the beginning. You will have signed an enrollment agreement for the Master’s program and an enrollment agreement for the Doctorate program. For students who intend to earn their Masters prior to, or together with, the Doctorate, the program will execute separate enrollment agreements for each degree program simultaneously at the date of initial enrollment.
Transfer into professional doctorate Program
Transfer into Professional Doctorate Program from a Master’s program at the same institution or transfer from Masters and/or Professional Doctorate program at another institution. You may start in the Masters programs at AMU and decide later to also enroll in the Professional Doctorate program. While some courses shared by the Masters and Professional Doctorate programs may be the same, they cannot be considered toward Professional Doctorate graduation requirements until you have officially enrolled. Once an enrollment agreement is executed, the previous Masters classes may be transferred into the Professional Doctorate program in accordance with transfer credit limits. You start in the Masters or Professional Doctorate at Institution A and then transfer to Institution B. Once an enrollment agreement is executed for each program, Institution B may evaluate your credits from Institution A to determine transferability. The transfer credit limits apply. To avoid repetition of curricular content and additional tuition expense, decisions to transfer are best made within the first 1-2 academic years of study. If a student transfers into a Professional Doctorate program from Master’s program, at the same or from a different institution, they may receive transfer credit for up to 50% of the total accepting Professional Doctorate program credit requirements. They must complete at least 75% of the accepting program’s clinical training requirements. If a Masters student has completed greater than 50% of the Professional Doctorate program, the recommended approach to avoid repetition of curricular content is completion of the Master’s degree and subsequent enrollment in a Professional Doctorate program with a completion track for Master’s graduates. (see Option 3)
Doctoral completion track
Complete a Master’s program and then enroll in a Professional Doctorate completion track. The admissions for the doctoral completion track program requires graduation with a master degree in acupuncture with a Chinese herbal medicine specialization from an ACAHM accredited/pre-accredited program or institution. In considering the acceptance of education and training obtained in foreign countries, credits earned at a foreign educational institution must be validated to be equivalent to a master’s degree by a recognized educational credentials evaluation service. A comprehensive transcript analysis that demonstrates that all applicable master’s-level coursework completed is equivalent to doctoral requirements in terms of content, rigor, and credit hour requirements will be conducted. Credits earned more than five (5) years prior to admission may only be accepted for transfer credit by an institution after validating that the student has retained the content knowledge and competencies of the respective course(s) for which transfer credits are being assessed. Acceptance to a doctoral degree completion track is furthered conditioned upon satisfactory completion of ACAHM’s masters’ core curriculum requirements acupuncture with a Chinese herbal medicine specialization typically evidenced by official transcripts of master degree in acupuncture with a Chinese herbal medicine specialization issued by an ACAHM accredited/pre-accredited program or institution. Subject to relevant state regulations and licensing agency rules, applicants may receive transfer credit for up to 50% of the total program credit requirements. Of that 50%, no more than 25% of the program clinical training requirements may be accepted as transfer credit.
Admissions Review Process, New Student Orientation and Registration
Once all application packages and all supporting documents have been received, the applicant will be contacted for a personal interview with one of the members of the admissions team. Following the interview, the application file will be reviewed by the admissions. The applicant will be notified in writing once a decision has been made by the admissions. Students who are fully admitted are expected to commence enrollment in the quarter they are admitted.
All new students admitted into the program will be provided with the new student orientation and registration session. The orientation reviews the institution and program related curriculum, policy and procedures. Please contact the admissions office for assistance prior to orientation for assistance.

Qing Ma
DAHM Accreditation
Alhambra Medical University and its following programs are accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine (ACAHM):
1. Master of Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine (offered in English and Mandarin)
[Formerly named Master of Science in Traditional Asian Medicine]
2. Doctor of Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine (offered in English and Mandarin)
[Formerly named Doctor of Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine]
• including a Doctor of Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine degree completion track
The programs listed above may offer courses via distance education.
ACAHM does not accredit any programs at the undergraduate/bachelor level.
Accreditation status and notes may be viewed on the ACAHM Directory.
ACAHM is recognized by the United States Department of Education as the specialized accreditation agency for institutions/programs preparing acupuncture practitioners. ACAHM is located at 500 Lake Street, Suite 204, Excelsior MN 55331; phone 952/212-2434; www.acahm.org
DAHM Faculty
Dr. Yue Lu
Dr. Yang Wang
Dr. Yeaji Suh
Dr. Roy Le
Dr. Allan Chang
Dr. Hyunsuk Choi
Dr. Yue Shi
Dr. Xuping Gu
Dr. Yingge Liu
Dr. Luoie Lu
Dr. Yongping Chen
Dr. Nell Smircina
Dr. Joseph Yang