Master in Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine
The Master in Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine (MAHM) consists of core curriculum with a minimum of 2160 hours of didactic instruction (216 quarter units that consists of 210 required didactic units and 6 required elective didactic units) plus 960 hours of clinical internship (200 hours observation plus 760 hours of supervised clinical internship which comprises 48 quarter units). As such, 264 quarter units are required for graduation. The didactic part of the MAHM program is currently offered in two languages: English and Mandarin Chinese. Clinical training is taught in English only.
MAHM Graduation Requirements:
Graduation Requirements | The Master of Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine (MAHM) degree is awarded
upon satisfactory completion of the following:
Completion of the core curriculum with a minimum of 2160 hours of didactic instruction (216 quarter units that consists of 210 required didactic units and 6 required elective didactic units) plus 960 hours of clinical internship (200 hours observation plus 760 hours of supervised clinical internship which comprises 48 quarter units). As such, 264 quarter units are required for graduation.
Completion of all clinical requirements.
Successfully passing all required AMU institutional exams.
Fulfillment all financial obligations to the University.
In terms of residency, a quarter is defined as twelve (12) units or more. The minimum residency is 12 quarters. For transfer students, the minimum residency requirement is 45 quarter units of classroom instruction.
Didactic Curriculum | Units | Hours |
Basic Sciences | 36 | 360 |
Traditional Chinese Medicine | 39 | 390 |
Acupuncture | 27 | 270 |
Herbal Medicine | 45 | 450 |
Adjunctive Therapies | 9 | 90 |
Western Medicine | 27 | 270 |
Professional Development | 27 | 270 |
Electives | 6 | 60 |
Total Didactic | 216 | 2,160 |
Clinical Curriculum | Units | Hours |
Orientation and Herbal Dispensary | 4 | 80 |
Clinical Observation | 6 | 120 |
Assisted Practice | 16 | 320 |
Guided Practice | 22 | 440 |
Total Clinical | 48 | 960 |
Total Curriculum (Didactic Curriculum + Clinical Curriculum)
264 Units 3,120 Hours
These credit requirements are over and above the 60 semester credits required for admissions. A credit hour is 50 minutes of instruction per week for a specified 10 week instructional quarter term. Clock to Credit Hour Conversion is quarter credit is granted for each:
10 hours of classroom contact plus appropriate outside preparation or the equivalent;
20 hours of supervised clinical instruction plus appropriate outside preparation; and
30 hours of clinical externship or independent study.
To achieve the eligibility for licensure by the California Acupuncture Board:
Graduate from a California Board approved training program
Obtain a current CPR certification
Obtain a valid Clean Needle Technique certificate
Successfully pass the examination administered by the California Acupuncture Board.

Qing Ma
Departmental Objectives and Course Descriptions