Student Conduct and Grievances Policies
Alhambra Medical University expects its students to maintain themselves at all times in a professional manner. Unprofessional conduct will not be tolerated.
A student may be dismissed for unsatisfactory or improper conduct, scholarship or attendance, or for any other cause that is considered to be prejudicial to the interest of the University or the healthcare profession. Personal conduct and appearance are outward expressions of character. Students are expected to abide by the standards of professional conduct, including dress and appearance appropriate to the University and the profession. A student may be dismissed or suspended from a class or the University following appropriate hearing and appeals procedures.
The Alhambra Medical University student body is as diverse in interest as it is in culture, ethnicity, professional background and age. Those who make up the student body are passionate about alternative medicine, focused on their academic responsibilities and committed to becoming successful health care practitioners. AMU provides a professional environment where the training, experience and maturity of students from other health care professions are respected and appreciated. Prospective students need to demonstrate strong motivation, desire and commitment to serve as a health care professionals.
If any individual in the has reason to believe a student has engaged in prohibited behavior, that individual may present a written notice to the Chief Academic Officer. The student will be notified of the charges as soon as possible by mail or hand-delivered message. The University will begin an investigation of the facts, and the student will have the opportunity to present, in writing or verbally, all pertinent evidence pertaining to the alleged misconduct.
Alhambra Medical University has created a Grievance Committee for processing and addressing student grievances. The following implementation procedures are delineated for students to observe: All students are encouraged to resolve difficulties by direct discussion with the parties involved. If resolution is not achieved by direct communication, contact the administration. If resolution is still not forthcoming then grievance(s) can be handled through the following steps: An appointment may be scheduled with the Dean of Students and the grievance can be discussed. Any necessary parties may be called into this meeting. A written report will be kept in the student file.

Please note that a student or any member of the public may file a complaint about this institution at any time with the following regulatory agencies:
Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education
1747 North Market Blvd, Suite 225 Sacramento, CA 95834
toll-free (888) 370-7589 or by fax (916) 263- 1897
Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and
Herbal Medicine (ACAHM)
500 Lake Street, Suite 204, Excelsior MN 55331
Phone: (952) 212-2434, Fax: (301) 313-0912